Heavens gate

It's better to burn out
Than to fade away
My my, hey hey

Out of the blue and into the black
They give you this, but you pay for that
And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black


My greatest desire

How I long for your arms
You're my greatest desire
Don't lead me into temptation 'cause you already got me there
Wrapped around your fingers

I can still stare into your eyes and drown
I'm drowning in the most beautiful coral reef the world has ever seen

Whenever i'm around you I get warm, no matter the weather
In rain you keep me dry
In cold you keep me warm
Loving you is like being in wonderland

Whenever i'm in doubt I think of you and you guide me to the right path
Whenever the world is clouded by my judgement you bring me to my senses
Whenever the darkness sneaks into my soul you banish it and let the light purge me
Whenever i'm hurt you're there to take care of me

There's no one like you
You're my everything, the star that always shine brightest on the sky
You're my drug and I will never stop using it..

Vad jag försöker säga är.. Jag älskar dig mer än allting i världen och..
Jag saknar dig fruktansvärt mycket och hoppas du kommer hem på lördag istället för söndag.
En dags skillnad innebär så mycket, att få vara nära dig igen..

För världen är du någon, men för mig är du världen..

Din lycka är min lycka.

Jag älskar dig gumman.



The shadows draws near as the raindrops calmy falls on the window
Lightning striking with vengeance
The ground is getting torn apart and the gate to hell is opening
This is our end dear ones
This is the start

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